
  • Abdullah Almuhaysh
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  • I am a PhD student specializing in the morphosyntax of Arabic tense and aspect. I also delve into phonology (autosegmental morphophonology) and the formal semantics of tense and aspect in order to account for modern Arabic dialects and how they lexicalize their VPs and auxiliaries.
  • Kayla Chen
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  • Fourth-year PhD student with an interest in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, particularly in the predictive mechanisms in real-time language comprehension, and the interaction between language processing and (domain-general) cognitive processes (e.g., cognitive control, memory, attention).
  • Yolanda García-Lorenzo
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  • Dr. Yolanda García-Lorenzo is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Basque Country/UCL. Her PhD in Linguistics explored the role of Theory of Mind in irony comprehension. Currently, her research delves into the cognitive abilities underlying pragmatic skills, with a particular focus on metarepresentational abilities in the understanding of irony and lies from a developmental perspective.
  • Yiling Huo
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  • Yiling Huo is a PhD student at UCL specialising in Linguistics (psycholinguistics). Her research focuses on prediction mechanisms during language comprehension. She is currently working on phonological information in prediction as well as the effect of task on prediction.

  • Tim Jantarungsee
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  • Tim Jantarungsee is a PhD student specialising in formal semantics and endangered language documentation. His research interests include the semantics of modal “ability” expressions, cross-lingusitic lexical semantics of “eating” predicates, fieldwork methodology, language policy and decolonising linguistics, working with minoritised languages in East and South-East Asia.
  • Teru Konishi
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  • Teru Konishi is a PhD student at UCL specialising in Linguistics (Pragmatics). His research focuses on the intersections between literature and linguistics, and his current doctoral work investigates the pragmatic theories that enable humans to comprehend, understand and appreciate allegory. His other academic interests include poems and poetic effects, philosophy of language, and art and communication.
  • Erying Qin
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  • Erying Qin works on experimental pragmatics, which aims to use methodologies drawn from the experimental psychology to investigate current theories of semantics and pragmatics for human language. Her doctoral work focuses on scalar inferences for different scalar words, particularly for paucal quantifiers.
  • Jiajia Wang
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  • Jiajia Wang is an MPhil student at UCL specialising in formal semantics. Her research interests include atomicity, the mass/count distinction, and classifiers. She is currently working on nominal and verbal classifiers in Mandarin Chinese.
  • Shenshen Wang
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  • Shenshen Wang is a PhD student at UCL specialising in Linguistics (Experimental Pragmatics). Her research focuses on theories of negation processing, and her doctoral thesis investigates current models of negation processing and examines the impacts of various factors on negation processing using methods drawn from the experimental psychology.
  • Wenkai Tay
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  • Dr. Wenkai Tay works on the interface between syntax and semantics. His research focuses on the argument structure of resultatives in Mandarin and other East Asian languages.
  • Xinxin Yan
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  • Dr. Xinxin Yan recently earned her PhD in Linguistics from University College London. Her doctoral research explored the cognitive mechanisms involved in interpreting comparison statements, similes (figurative comparisons), and metaphors. She is currently collaborating with Prof. Robyn Carston on research into the processing of referential metaphors and metonymy.
  • Boyan Yin
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  • Boyan Yin works on syntax and its interfaces. Her research interests lie in various topics, including definiteness encoding, elliptical structures (sluicing), information structure and null arguments in Chinese and other languages.